Monday 7 June 2010

Duke of Wellington Cup Final

Sun poured gloriously onto the pristine pitch at Guards on Sunday, bringing with it the polo loving hoards who came to see the Wellington Cup final.

Sipping on Pimms and lunching out on the restaurant’s terrace, guests eagerly awaited the previous year’s cup holders, BHC playing an equal 12-goal handicap against Asprey London.

First to touch the ball was Jackson-Stops, the 1-goal handicap player from Asprey who, with a confident swing brought the ball into action. He was picked up quickly by Santos, followed closely by Charlton, the pair keeping at a safe distance but always backing each other. Confusion ensued and the whistle was called with a resultant hit from halfway in favour of BHC.

Good had possession of the ball but was pushed out by Charlton who readily attacked the 5-goal handicap player, both teams claiming no goals at the end of the first Chukka.

Holley picked up first, challenged by Charlton, but Aspreys' Good took an unlikely steal and the whistle was blown.
A penalty was taken in favour of BHC, last year’s holders of the Wellington Trophy, and Santos capped it forward to Charlton who scored the first goal for BHC, making the score 1-0 favourable to BHC.

Once again, Holley was first on the uptake but lost the ball to Hyde, who had been keeping quiet during the first Chukka. This was Hyde's opening attack and from this point on, his aggression and determination to push towards the ball was relentless for the rest of the match.

The ball was lost to Santos and the Umpire blew the whistle, calling a penalty at 4 minutes into the second chukker.
60 Yards, with defence at 30 yards in favour of Asprey; Hyde took the penalty and scored a clean goal for Asprey, bringing the scores to even, 1-1.

Possession of the ball was now with Asprey and Good took another penalty for the team. He knocked it clear towards Hyde, standing slightly right of the goal , who took a backhand over to Jackson-Stops who then aimed and scored the second goal for Asprey taking the team to a one point favour of 2-1.

Although an entertaining second Chukka, the game was slow to start. Williams, on a fresh mount, made it across the field, and a penalty was called by the Umpire for BHC. It was taken by Santos who narrowly missed.

A backhand from Charlton to Williams was the next prominent pass but again, the whistle was called for a penalty and an advancing ball taken with a 40 yard free hit with no defending goal was taken from Santos for BHC but was put out a little to far to the left.

Charlton stood knowingly behind Good, as if waiting on his fellow team mate Santos who picked up the ball and drove hard away.
It was at this point that the match really kicked off and a battle between Santos, Williams and Hyde ensued.

Williams now had the ball but couldn't control it and was wiped out by Good who came forward in defence, this time narrowly missing a pass to Holley who was keeping timidly back. Williams stormed in to recover the ball but the whistle stopped the game and a 60 yard penalty was delayed by an angry conversation between Williams and the Umpire who ignored his protests.

Hyde took the penalty, but was met with a sudden block by Charleton, aiming for a backhand and resulting in a wide shot of the goal.

The second Chukka was a bit Stop-Start with Santos challenging Good, never letting up the game. This was not enough and with a nice pass to Holley, both Umpires blew the whistle in unison.
BHC took a penalty by Santos and he scored, bringing the teams to an equal 2-2.

Charlton and Santos kept the ball between them and the Brazilian took a long shot towards the goal. It was too wide and Jackson-Stops returned the ball to the other end of the pitch with help from Good.
From the back line, Hyde moved, focused and with intent towards the goal and took over the halfway mark. Never far behind and with such speed, Santos, overtook and made a backhand towards Williams who brought the ball forward and scored 3-2 to BHC.

It was these three players, Williams, Santos and Hyde who took over the game, their names seemingly rotating off the commentators tongue.

With a shoeless horse on the pitch, Williams made a quick inform to the Umpires and the game recommenced. Charlton took a run out with Jackson-Stops but it was the latter player who seemingly defended adequately and a whistle was blown. A spot hit in favour of Asprey put things back into action and Good reclaimed the ball and scored, elevating Aspreys points to equal BHC, three-and-a-half minutes into the second chukkker. 3-3.

The ball was brought forward for BHC by Santos and a whistle was blown. A spot hit inside BHC's half of the pitch in favour of Asprey with three minutes remaining. Jackson-Stops -on a fresh mount- came back into the centre to meet Hyde who had possession of the ball. An angle shot was blocked by Santos and Williams crossed to take the ball. BHC were now in retreat and a 30 yard, undefended penalty for Asprey was called. Hyde scored with an amazing shot that ''went all the way to Windsor'' raising the score for Asprey up to 4-3.

With a minute-and-a-half remaining, Williams let the ball go wide and Hyde took it from the back. Sheikh cornered Good, allowing Santos to slow it down and let Williams go forward with a strong attack against Asprey.

Penalties were called for BHC as Asprey were in retreat and an automatic goal throw meant a goal was awarded without a penalty to BHC, equalling the scores for the end of the first half. 4-4.

The third chukker began with a hit from halfway for Asprey. Hyde was the first to take it and Good went with him. Good had limited support from Holley as Williams attacked the pair, smashing the ball past and straight into Aspreys goal. BHC now taking a 5-4 lead.
Never slowing, Santos appeared on fire as he turned the ball around and, taking a straight run, made the second goal only minutes into the second half. 6-4 to BHC.

Hyde was not entertaining this solid action from BHC and the battle between Williams and Hyde erupted. Good tried to help Hyde, chasing Williams hard but the Umpires whistle was blown and a free hit for Hyde from 30 yards resulted in an easy score bringing Asprey one point down to BHC. 6-5.

Only seconds later a penalty in favour of Asprey was taken from 60 yards and Hyde took it, striking a beautiful shot but marginally missing the goal.

Santos came into action and Hyde stole the ball from him, followed by Charlton, who passed to Williams. A precise run for the goal led BHC up a point as Williams scored with only two minutes remaining. 7-5 to BHC.

Williams looked for Charlton as they made their way across the pitch. Asprey were not happy, trailing now by two points as another penalty was called in favour of BHC. Santos of a fresh mount waited for Williams to set it up and took it slightly to far to the right.

The initially slow match was picking up pace and as Hyde brought the ball forward, Good took it with the help of Jackson-Stops who, tight against Sheikh, slowed the BHC player.

Williams, owing his sensational playing to his 5-goal handicap, was being hunted down by Jackson-Stops, but it wasn't enough for Asprey and Williams scored another goal, bringing BHC's chances of winning the Wellington cup for a second year in a row closer. BHC was by then leading 8-5.

It was the end of the third chukker, and a big hit from Hyde took the ball towards Good who tapped it back and Hyde scored. 8-6 to BHC.
Charlton now on the attack, Williams pushed up to his side but Good, in a frenzy, blocked the pair and the ball was lost to Santos.
Charlton's game was not over and in a mad rush he took an unbelievable shot moving the ball into the opposite end of the pitch. Unfortunately it was in vain as the Umpire stopped the game; the whistle was blown and the ball was taken back the centre.

Three minutes remained and Charlton with a backhand tried to find Williams who hit the ball over the top, missing Sheikh. Jackson-Stop juggled the ball between himself and Hyde, much to the annoyance of an unimpressed Williams.

A 60 yard penalty was called in favour of Asprey and there were murmurs in the crowd of ball 'tapping'.

Hyde came off the mallet and hit out too wide bringing Williams in to change direction of the ball. Helped out by Santos, these final minutes were very thrilling as the crowd awaited to see if Asprey could bring themselves back into the game.

A spot hit to BHC and Santos let the ball run. Hunted down by Good, Santos shot, a little to the left of the goal bringing tension to a climax. Hyde knew it was close to winding down and hit the ball hard across th Holley who took a shot too wide.

With less than a minute remaining, Jackson-Stops tried to backhand the ball to Hyde but it bounced and with one final blow from Jackson-Stops, the game ended.

BHC taking the Wellington Trophy, winning 8-6 against Asprey.

Isamaya ffrench, LivingPolo UK

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